A Cloud based GUI for Accelerating SoC Deisgn.
System-on-Chip (SoC) Configuration is done on the basis of Chipyard Cake Pattern. Users can add, remove, and edit cake layers (configs) to create a customised SoC.
ChipShop also offers Bitstream Generation of the generated SoC , along with mapping its I/Os onto FPGA components.
ChipShop also offers the feature of Real Time Collaboration and Version Control for each of the SoC Projects users create.
Users can also attach their own Custom IPs with the System on Chip as an Memory Mapped Input Output (MMIO).
All the Config classes inclusive in Rocket-Chip, Berkeley Out-of-Order Machine (BOOM), and Chipyard.
Users can create numerous SoCs by combining the different configuration classes.
In addition to the Blackbox Integration feature, we have created a utility software for Interfacing of Verilog IPs into CHISEL HDL.
ChipShop is presented at the First FireSim and Chipyard Workshop at ASPLOS-2023
Email us with your name, designation, organization, and purpose for using the Early Demo at info@sispace.tech